Monday, October 6, 2008

What’s the Difference Between Architecture and Design?

The question of how architecture is different from design has nipped at the heels of the architecture community for years. Fortunately, the answer is easy. Architecture is design, but not all design is architecture. That is, many design decisions are left unbound by the architecture and are happily left to the discretion and good judgment of downstream designers and implementers. The architecture establishes constraints on downstream activities, and those activities must produce artifacts—finer-grained designs and code—that are compliant with the architecture, but architecture does not define an implementation.


In this definition, x is not necessarily a real number, but can in general be a member of any vector space. A less restrictive definition of linear function, not coinciding with the definition of linear map, is used in elementary mathematics. The concept of linearity can be extended to linear operators. Important examples of linear operators include the derivative considered as a differential operator, and many constructed from it, such as del and the Laplacian. When a differential equation can be expressed in linear form, it is particularly easy to solve by breaking the equation up into smaller pieces, solving each of those pieces, and adding the solutions up. Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerned with the study of vectors, vector spaces (or linear spaces), linear transformations (or linear maps), and systems of linear equations. Nonlinear equations and functions are of interest to physicists and mathematicians because they can be used to represent many natural phenomena, including chaos. arts in linear... Linear is one of the five categories proposed by Swiss art historian Heinrich Wölfflin to distinguish "Classic", or Renaissance art, from the Baroque. According to Wölfflin, painters of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries (Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael or Albrecht Dürer) are more linear than "painterly" Baroque painters of the seventeenth (Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, and Velázquez) because they primarily use outline to create form


Grafik merupakan antara media yang paling utama dan popular digunakan bagi memperlihatkan keterampilan sesebuah aplikasi multimedia. Menurut kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, grafik membawa maksud ‘perkara berkenaan lukisan atau ukiran’. Dalam hal ini, penggunaan grafik dalam sesuatu persembahan maklumat berkomputer adalah bukan hanya berperanan untuk menonjolkan keindahan atau kecanggihan senibina sesebuah program multimedia tetapi juga berperanan sebagai suatu sumber penyampaian sesuatu maklumat yang amat berkesan. Grafik juga memberikan maksud penggunaan visual untuk menerangkan konsep yang tidak dapat atau sukar diterangkan oleh teks. Ia mampu menambah daya tarikan kepada sesuatu paparan atau persembahan. Grafik juga dapat mempercepatkan penyampaian sesuatu maklumat dan dapat memberikan penerangan yang jelas, tepat dan konsisten antara individu yang berbeza. Grafik dikatakan sebagai sumber penyampai maklumat yang amat berkesan kerana segala bentuk mesej yang diterima oleh manusia melalui penglihatan mereka dapat diterima secara terperinci dan ianya mempunyai daya ketahanan serta daya ingatan yang tinggi. Grafik berkomputer pula merujuk kepada sebarang imej yang dihasilkan menggunakan sebarang jenis komputer (PC, Macintosh, Silicon Graphicsdan sebagainya). Imej berkomputer ini boleh merujuk kepada imej yang mudah seperti garisan atau bulatan ataupun yang lebih kompleks seperti fractal iaitu imej kompleks yang dihasilkan oleh komputer dari formula atau kod pengaturcaraan yang tertentu. Jenis-jenis Grafik Grafik merujuk kepada pelbagai lukisan, ilustrasi, fotograf, rajah, carta, kartun dan sebagainya. • Fotograf (Gambar Foto) Merupakan antara paparan imej yang paling menyamai keadaan sebenar. Pita video warna, gambar berwarna mahupun foto hitam putih merupakan alat yang paling berkesan di dalam sesuatu komunikasi. Gambar foto atau fotograf berwarna juga memainkan peranan yang amat besar di dalam sesebuah persembahan dan boleh dijadikan latarbelakang bagi teks dan grafik. • Lukisan Merujuk kepada imej yang kurang realistik berbanding dengan fotograf. Namun demikian, ia banyak digunakan bagi menangani masalah ketiadaan fotograf bagi keadaan sebenar. Ia boleh jadi lukisan yang mudah sehinggalah kepada lukisan yang abstrak. • Kartun Sejenis lukisan yang berada di dalam kelasnya yang tersendiri. Kartun boleh merujuk kepada yang berunsur kemanusiaan, haiwan, objek dan sebagainya. Ia sesuai digunakan terutamanya sekiranya kumpulan sasaran adalah kanak-kanak atau remaja. Kartun sering digunakan bagi menarik perhatian pengguna. Ia juga sering digunakan sebagai watak pengacara di dalam sesebuah aplikasi multimedia yang menbantu serta membimbing pengguna disepanjang perlajanan sesebuah aplikasi. • Diagram Diagram merujuk kepada sejenis lukisan yang digunakan bagi melambangkan sesuatu sepertimana yang asal. Contohnya diagram jantung mungkin mewakili sepertimana gambar jantung yang sebenar. • Graf/Carta Merujuk kepada kaedah berkomunikasi berunsurkan data dan numerik. Sesuatu maklumat yang kompleks dapat dimudahkan sekiranya ia ditukarkan ke bentuk carta atau graf. Perisian-perisian Grafik (i) Microsoft Paint atau Paint Brush (ii) Adobe Photoshop dan Adobe Illustrator (iii) Corel Draw (iv) Painter 3D (v) Macromedia Freehand (vi) Micrograft Designer (vii) Autucad

What is an architecture..

What is an architecture.. Definition: An architect is a licensed professional who organizes space. Architects design houses, office buildings, skyscrapers, landscapes, and even entire cities. How does one become a professional home designer? Answer: If you dream of designing houses and other small buildings, but don't want to spend the years it takes to become a registered architect, then you may want to explore career opportunities in the field of Building Design. A Professional Building Designer, or Home Designer, specializes in designing light-frame buildings such as single family homes and agricultural buildings. A Professional Building Designer may also design decorative facades for larger buildings. Unlike architects, Professional Building Designers are not legally required to pass exams or receive special licenses. However, a designer who carries the title "Certified Professional Building Designer" or "CPBD" has completed training courses, built a portfolio, and passed a difficult exam. What can I do with a major in architecture? Answer: Architecture is more than designing buildings. Students who study architecture in college may choose to go into many different careers. Here's just a sampling: • Architectural Journalist • Architectural Historian • Corporate Architect • Draftsperson • Building Researcher • Building Inspector • Building Contractor • Carpenter • Cartographer • Architectural Engineer • Civil Engineer • Industrial Engineer • Marine Architect • Mechanical Engineer • Surveyor • Technical Illustrator • Urban Planner • Art Director • Fashion Designer

Friday, September 19, 2008

What’s the Difference Between Architecture and Design?

The question of how architecture is different from design has nipped at the heels of the architecture community for years. Fortunately, the answer is easy. Architecture is design, but not all design is architecture. That is, many design decisions are left unbound by the architecture and are happily left to the discretion and good judgment of downstream designers and implementers. The architecture establishes constraints on downstream activities, and those activities must produce artifacts—finer-grained designs and code—that are compliant with the architecture, but architecture does not define an implementation.

suara yang akan didengar mayat

Yang Akan Ikut Mayat Adalah Tiga hal yaitu: 1. Keluarga 2. Hartanya 3. Amalnya Ada Dua Yang Kembali Dan Satu akan Tinggal Bersamanya yaitu; 1. Keluarga dan Hartanya Akan Kembali 2. Sementara Amalnya Akan Tinggal Bersamanya. Maka ketika Roh Meninggalkan Jasad ...Terdengarlah Suara Dari Langit Memekik, "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan.. Apakah Kau Yang Telah Meninggalkan Dunia, Atau Dunia Yang Meninggalkanmu Apakah Kau Yang Telah Menumpuk Harta Kekayaan, Atau Kekayaan Yang Telah Menumpukmu Apakah Kau Yang Telah Menumpuk Dunia, Atau Dunia Yang Telah Menumpukmu Apakah Kau Yang Telah Mengubur Dunia, Atau Dunia Yang Telah Menguburmu." Ketika Mayat Tergeletak Akan Dimandikan ....Terdengar Dari Langit Suara Memekik, "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan... Mana Badanmu Yang Dahulunya Kuat, Mengapa Kini Te rkulai Lemah Mana Lisanmu Yang Dahulunya Fasih, Mengapa Kini Bungkam Tak Bersuara Mana Telingamu Yang Dahulunya Mendengar, Mengapa Kini Tuli Dari Seribu Bahasa Mana Sahabat-Sahabatmu Yang Dahulunya Setia, Mengapa Kini Raib Tak Bersuara" Ketika Mayat Siap Dikafan ...Suara Dari Langit Terdengar Memekik,"Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan Berbahagialah Apabila Kau Bersahabat Dengan Ridha Celakalah Apabila Kau Bersahabat Dengan Murka Allah Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan... Kini Kau Tengah Berada Dalam Sebuah Perjalanan Nun Jauh Tanpa Bekal Kau Telah Keluar Dari Rumahmu Dan Tidak Akan Kembali Selamanya Kini Kau Tengah Safar Pada Sebuah Tujuan Yang Penuh Pertanyaan." Ketika MayatDiusung. ... Terdengar Dari Langit Suara Memekik, "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan.. Berbahagialah Apabila Amalmu Adalah Kebajikan Berbahagialah Apabila Matimu Diawali Tobat Berbahagialah Apabila Hidupmu Penuh Dengan Taat." Ketika Mayat Siap Dishalatkan ....Terdengar Dari Langit Suara Memekik, "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan.. Setiap Pekerjaan Yang Kau Lakukan Kelak Kau Lihat Hasilnya Di Akhirat Apabila Baik Maka Kau Akan Melihatnya Baik Apabila Buruk, Kau Akan Melihatnya Buruk." Ketika MayatDibaringkan Di Liang Lahat.... terdengar Suara Memekik Dari Langit,"Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan... Apa Yang Telah Kau Siapkan Dari Rumahmu Yang Luas Di Dunia Untuk Kehidupan Yang Penuh Gelap Gulita Di Sini Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan... Dahulu Kau Tertawa, Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Menangis Dahulu Kau Bergembira,Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Berduka Dahulu Kau Bertutur Kata, Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Bungkam Seribu Bahasa." Ketika SemuaManusia Meninggalkannya Sendirian... . Allah Berkata Kepadanya, "Wahai Hamba-Ku.... . Kini Kau Tinggal Seorang Diri Tiada Teman Dan Tiada Kerabat Di Sebuah Tempat Kecil, Sempit Dan Gelap.. Mereka Pergi Meninggalkanmu. . Seorang Diri Padahal, Karena Mereka Kau Pernah LanggarPerintahku Hari Ini,.... Akan Kutunjukan Kepadamu Kasih Sayang-Ku Yang Akan Takjub Seisi Alam Aku Akan Menyayangimu Lebih Dari Kasih Sayang Seorang Ibu Pada Anaknya". Kepada Jiwa-Jiwa Yang Tenang Allah Berfirman, "Wahai Jiwa Yang Tenang Kembalilah Kepada Tuhanmu Dengan Hati Yang Puas Lagi Diridhai-Nya Maka Masuklah Ke Dalam Jamaah Hamba-Hamba- Ku Dan Masuklah Ke Dalam Jannah-Ku"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

kisah cinta sebenar

Message: Suatu pagi aku terbangun dan berpeluang melihat mentari terbit. Aaah.. kecantikan alam ciptaan Allah memaang tiada tolok bandingnya. Sedang aku memerhati, aku puji Tuhan atas segala keindahan yang telah Ia sajikan .aku duduk dan terasa kehadiranNya di sisiku. Dia bertanya kepadaku, Adakah kamu mencintai Aku? Aku menjawab, Sudah tentu! Engkaulah Penciptaku, masakan aku tidak mencintaiMu. Kemudian Dia bertanya lagi, Jika kamu ditakdirkan cacat anggota, adakah kamu akan mencitaiKu? Aku tergamam seketika. Aku lihat tangan, kaki dan seluruh anggotaku; aku teringat pelbagai kerja yang mustahil aku lakukan tanpa anggotaku ini yang selama ini tidak kusedari kepentingannya. Kemudian aku jawab, Tentunya ia amat sukar bagiku, tetapi aku akan tetap mencintaiMu. Kemudian Dia bertanya lagi, Jika kamu ditakdirkan buta, adakah kamu akan menyayangi segala ciptaanKu? Bagaimana mungkin bagiku untuk mencintai sesuatuyang di dunia ini yang tak mampu aku lihat? Kemudian aku berfikir...ramai orang yang ditakdirkan buta di dunia ini, dan mereka masih mencintai Allah dan segala ciptaanNya. Lantas aku menjawab, Amat sukar bagiku membayangkan keadaanku yang sedemikina rupa, namun begitu aku akan tetap menyintaimu Ya Allah. Dia bertanya lagi, Jika kamu ditakdirkan pekak, adakah kamu akan tetap mendengar kepada kata-kataKu? Bagaimana mungkin bagiku mendengar jika aku pekak? Kemudian aku tersedar bahawa mendengar itu tidak semestinya menggunakan telinga; tetapi menggunakan hati. Aku jawab, Walaupun takdir itu amat berat bagiku, namun aku akan tetap menyintaiMu. Dia menyambung lagi persoalanNya, Jika kamu ditakdirkan bisu adakah kamu akan terus memujiKu? Aku tertanya lagi, bagaimanaaku boleh memuji tanpa suara? Aku terfikir kemudian yang Allah mahu kita memujiNya dari dalam hati dan jiwa kita; tidak penting bagaimanakah bunyinya. Kemudian aku menjawab, Sungguhpun aku tidak mampu untuk mambunyikan pujian bagiMu, aku akan tetap memujiMu. Dan... Dia terus betanya lagi, Adakah kamu benar-benar menyintaiKu? dengan nada yang tegas dan penuh keberanian. Aku jawab dengan yakin, Ya, benar Tuhanku, aku menyintaimu kerana Engkaulah satu- satunya Tuhanku dan Tuhan yang sebenar! Aku fikir jawapanku tadi sudah cukup bagus untuk menjawab soalanNya tadi, tetapi Dia terus bertanyakan lagi, Kalau begitu kenapa kamu masih melakukan dosa? Aku jawab, Kerana aku cuma manusia bisa yang selalu lalai; aku tidak sempurna...aku bukan maksum. Kalau begitu, kenapa ketika kamu senang dan gembira...kamu lupakanKu; kamu lari jauh daripadaKu? Dan kenapa ketika kamu susah dan mahukan bantuan...kamu terus ingat kepada Aku; kamu datang dekat dan merayu kepada Aku? Aku tidak mampu berkata-kata. Yang kusedari...titisan panas turun membasahi pipiku. Dia sambung lagi, Mengapa kamu buat begini...kadang-kadang sujud menyembahKu, dan kemudian membelakangiKu; tidak pedulikanKu? Mengapa kamu hanya datang mencariKu hanya ketika kamu nengingatiKu? Mengapa kamu meminta kepadaKu sedang kamu tidak setia kepadaKu? Kurasakan titisan panas mengalir deras membasahi pipiku tanpa henti. Mengapa kamu malu kepadaKu? Mengapa kamu tidak mahu menyebarkan suruhanKu? Mengapa ketika kamu dizalimi kamu adukan kepada yang lain sedang Aku sedia mendengar segala rintihanmu? Mengapa kamu sering membuat alasan ketika Aku memberimu peluang untuk berkhidmat di jalanKu? Ku gagahi bibirku untuk mengucapkan patah-patah perkataan bagi menjawab segala soalan yang bertubi-tubi diajukan kepadaku. Tetapi aku tidak punyai jawapan bagi persoalan-persoalan tadi. Lidahku yang selama ini lancar berkata-kata, kini kelu. Otakku ligat mencari jawapan... atau alasan... namun tiada apa yang kutemui sebagai jawapan. Dia berkata-kata lagi... Kamu diberikan sebuah kehidupan. Aku jadikan dalam dirimu keistimewaan dan kelebihan berbanding orang lain untuk kamu berjuang di jalanKu, tetapi kamu tetap berpaling dari jalanKu. Aku tunjukkan kepadamu kata-kataKu sebagai panduan kamu dalam hidup ini, tetapi kamu tidak mahu mempelajari atau menghayatinya. Acap kali Aku berkata-kata kepadamu, tetapi kamu berpaling daripada melihatnya. Aku turunkan kepada kamu pesuruhKu, tetapi kamu tidak ambil peduli ketika sunnahnya ditinggalkan. Aku dengar segala permintaan dan rayuanmu kepadaKu... dan semuanya telah Aku perkenankan dengan pelbagai cara. SambungNya lagi, Kini... adakah kamu menyintaiKu? Aku tidak mampu menjawabnya lagi. Bagaimana harus aku jawab persoalan ini?. Dalam tak sedar, aku malu dengan segala apa yang telah aku lakukan selama ini. Aku tidak lagi punya alasan bagi menyelamatkan diriku. Apa yang boleh aku jawab bagi persoalan itu? Ketika hatiku berteriak menangis, dan bercucuran airmata mengalir turun di kedua-dua belah pipiku, aku merintih, Oh Tuhanku... ampunkanlah segala dosaku. Aku tidak layak menjadi hambaMu Ya Allah... kemudian Dia menjawab, Sifatku pengampun...barangsiapa yang memohon keampunan dariKu, nescaya Aku ampunkannya. Dan Aku ampunkan kamu wahai hambaKu. Aku bertanya kepadaNya, Mengapa Engkau tetap mengampunkanku sungguhpun aku melakukan kesalahan berulangkali dan memohon ampun berulangkali? Sampai begitu sekalikah cintaMu terhadapku? Dia menjawab Kerana kamu adalah ciptaanKu. Aku sekali-kali tidak akan mengabaikanmu. Apabila kamu menangis aku akan bersimpati kepadamu dan mendengar segala rintihanmu. Apabila kamu melonjak kegirangan Aku akan turut gembira dengan kegembiraanmu. Apabila kamu berasa gundah dan kesepian, Aku akan memberikanmu semangat. Apabila kamu jatuh Aku akan membangkitkanmu. Apabila kamu keletihan Aku akan membantumu. Aku akan tetap bersama-samamu hinggalah ke hari yang akhir dan Aku akan menyayangimu selama-lamanya. Seingat aku... aku tidak pernah menangis sebegini. Aku sendiri tidak mengerti kenapa hatiku ini begitu keras; tidak mampu menangis menyesali segala dosaku selama ini. Dan..buat kali pertamanya dalam hidupku ini... aku benar-benar solat dalam ertikata yang sebenar.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Doktor memulakan syarahannya dengan membawa para hadirin memikirkan sejenak dengan hadith yang maknanya sedikit sebanyak "Dalam diri-diri kamu ada tanda-tanda kebesaran Tuhan". Doktor menyuruh kita melihat kedua tapak tangan dan perhatikan garis-garis di tapak tangan kita.Garisan-garisan di tangan kiri menunjukkan angka 8 dan 1 dalam Bahasa Arab dan tangan kanan 1 dan 8 dan membawa ke jumlah 81 + 18 == 99 iaitu bilangan nama Allah. Berikut adalah antara intipati syarahannya secara ringkas:- 1. Cara makan, kenapa kita gunakan tangan? - Mengikut cara Rasulullah s.a.w,beliau akan menggaulkan lauk dan nasi dengan tangan kanannya dan kemudian membiarkan sebentar, lalu Rasullah saw akan mengambil sedikit garam menggunakan jari kecilnya(yg last tu), lalu Rasullah saw akan menghisap garam itu. Kemudian barulah Rasulullah makan nasi dan lauknya. Mengapa? Kerana kedua belah tangan kita ada mengeluarkan 3 macam enzim,tetapi konsentrasi di tangan kanan kurang sedikit dari yg kiri. Ini adalah kerana enzim yg ada di tangan kanan itu merupakan enzim yang dapat menolong proses penghadaman (digestion), ia merupakan the first process of digestion.Mengapa menghisap garam? Kerana garam adalah sumber mineral dari tanah yg diperlukan oleh badan kita. Dua cecah garam dari jari kita itu adalah sama dgn satu liter air mineral. Kita berasal dari tanah maka lumrahnya bahan yang asal dari bumi (tanah) inilah yg paling berkhasiat untuk kita.Kenapa garam? Selain dari sebab ia adalah sumber mineral, garam juga adalah penawar yang paling mujarab bagi keracunan, mengikut Dr, dihospital-hospital, the first line of treatment for poisoning adalah dengan memberi Sodium Chloride, iaitu GARAM. Garam juga dapat menghalang sihir dan makhluk-makhluk halus yang ingin menggangu manusia. 2. Cara Rasulullah mengunyah - Rasulullah akan mengunyah sebanyak 40 kali untuk membiarkan makanan itu betul-betul lumat agar perut kita senang memproseskan makanan itu. 3. Membaca Basmalah -(Bismillahirrahma Nirrahim). Membaca Basmalah sebelum makan untuk mengelakkan penyakit. Kerana bakteria dan racun ada membuat perjanjian dengan Allah swt, apabila Basmalah dibaca maka bakteria dan racun akan musnah dari sumber makanan itu. 4. Cara Rasulullah minum. -Janganlah kita minum berdiri walaupun ia makruh tetapi ia makruh yang menghampiri kepada haram. Jangan kita minum dari bekas yg besar dan jangan bernafas sedang kita minum. Kerana apabila kita minum dari bekas yg besar, lumrahnya kita akan meneguk air dan dalam proses minum itu, kita tentu akan bernafas dan menghembuskan nafas dari hidung kita. Kerana apabila kita hembus, kita akan mengeluarkan CO2 iaitu carbon dioxide, yang apabila bercampur dgn air H20, akan menjadi H2CO3, iaitu sama dengan cuka, menyebabkan minuman itu menjadi acidic. Jangan meniup air yg panas, sebabnya sama diatas. Cara minum, seteguk bernafas, seteguk bernafas sehingga habis. Mengapa Islam menyuruh di sebat 100 kali orang belum berkahwin yang berzina, dan merejam sehingga mati org yg sudah berkahwin yang berzina? Badan manusia akan mengeluarkan sel-sel darah putih atau antibiotik yg dapat melawan penyakit. Dan sel-sel ini terdapat di daerah tulang belakang, berdekatan dengan sum-sum tulang manusia. Lelaki yang belum berkahwin dia akan dapat mengeluarkan beribu-ribu sel ini, manakala lelaki yang sudah berkahwin hanya dapat menghasilkan 10 unit sel ini sehari, kerana antara sebabnya ialah kerana sel-sel lain akan hilang kerana perhubungan suami isteri. Jadi apabila lelaki yang belum berkahwin didapati salah kerana zina hendaklah disebat 100 kali. Ini adalah kerana apabila dia disebat di belakangnya, suatu amaran tentang kesakitan itu akan membuatkan penghasilan beribu sel antibiotik yang dapat melawan virus HIV jika ia ada di badannya, dengan itu dapatlah antibodi melawan virus HIV itu. Tetapi jika lelaki itu sudah berkahwin,walaupun disebat 100 kali ia akan tetap menghasilkan 10 unit antibodi sahaja, jadi dengan itu hukumannyadirejam hingga mati agar dia tidak dapat merebakkan virus HIV itu. Itulah sedikit sebanyak inti syarahan yg disampaikan oleh Dr Jamnul Azhar. Harap ia akan memberi manfaat pada anda sekalian, dan sedikit informasi yang diberikan oleh Mudaris(guru) ana, Mudaris Iskandar mengenai Ka'bah. Mengapa ia terletak di Mekah al-Mukarramah dan mengapa ia empat persegi (cube). Ia terletak di posisinya sekarang kerana setelah dibuat kajian oleh para cendikiawan dari Pakistan dan Arab, didapati, tempat terletaknya Ka'bah sekarang itu, adalah betul-betul di tengah bumi. Mengapa ia empat persegi, ia melambangkan perpaduan ummah yang bergerak maju bersama, equality and unity, tidak seperti bentuk pyramid, dimana ia diumpamakan, seperti hanya seorang pemenang yg berada diatas setelah ia memijak-mijak yang lain. Dan antara lagi sebab mengapa 4 persegi melambangkan 4 imam besar, Maliki, Hambali, Hanafi dan Syafi'i, melambangkan kebenaran keempat-empat Imam tersebut.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Sebagaimana yang kita sedia maklum, setiap umat Islam perlu mengetahui arah Kaabah, walaupun di mana mereka berada, kerana Kaabah merupakan kiblat untuk kita menunaikan solat. Berbagai kaedah digunakan bagi menentukan arah kiblat seperti melihat arah matahari terbit atau terbenam, dan juga menggunakan kompas. Menyedari betapa pentingnya hal ini, Profesor Hosien Kamal El Din Ibrahim dari Mesir telah mencuba satu kaedah baru bagi menentukan arah kiblat dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Beliau banyak menerbitkan artikel-artikel saintifik di bidang kejuruteraan awam. Untuk itu beliau telah melukis peta dunia yang baru, yang dapat menunjukkan arah Makkah dari kota-kota lain di dunia. Dengan menggunakan perkiraan matematik dan kaedah "spherical triangle" Prof. Hosien mendapati kedudukan Makkah betul-betul berada ditengah-tengah daratan bumi. Penyelidikan beliau ini membuktikan bahawa bumi ini berkembang dari Makkah, di mana Makkah adalah "pusat bumi". Penyelidik-penyelidik lain kemudiannya mengakui ketepatan kiraan beliau apabila mereka menggunakan program komputer bagi membuat kiraan dan melukis peta tersebut. Sebelum itu, Abi Fadlallah Al-Emary yang meninggal dunia pada tahun 749 Hijrah turut melukis peta yang menentukan arah kiblat. Peta tersebut terdapat di dalam kitabnya "Masalik Al Absar Fi Mamalik Al Amsar". Beliau menggunakan kaedah astronomi bagi menentukan arah kiblat. eorang lagi pemikir Islam, Al-Safaksy (meninggal tahun 958 Hijrah) turut melukiskan peta dengan menggunakan pendekatan astronomi. Penyelidik-penyelidik zaman moden kemudiannya telah mengkaji kedua-dua peta tersebut dan membandingkannya dengan kaedah astrologi moden. Mereka mendapati kaedah yang digunakan oleh Al-Emary dan Al-Safaksy adalah sangat tepat dan kedua-dua peta tersebut membuktikan Makkah dan Kaabah adalah "pusat bumi". Hasil kajian ini telah diakui benar dan diisytiharkan oleh "The Egyptian Scholars of The Sun and Space Research Center" yang berpusat di Kahirah, Mesir

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

s@Lam RaM@dHan Al-mu%aRak


Stonehenge is surely Britain's greatest national icon, symbolizing mystery, power and endurance. Its original purpose is unclear to us, but some have speculated that it was a temple made for the worship of ancient earth deities. It has been called an astronomical observatory for marking significant events on the prehistoric calendar. Others claim that it was a sacred site for the burial of high-ranking citizens from the societies of long ago.Construction of the Henge In its day, the construction of Stonehenge was an impressive engineering feat, requiring commitment, time and vast amounts of manual labor. In its first phase, Stonehenge was a large earthwork; a bank and ditch arrangement called a henge, constructed approximately 5,000 years ago.Construction of the Outer Ring The giant sarsen stones (which form the outer circle), weigh as much as 50 tons each. To transport them from the Marlborough Downs, roughly 20 miles to the north, is a problem of even greater magnitude than that of moving the bluestones. Most of the way, the going is relatively easy, but at the steepest part of the route, at Redhorn Hill, modern work studies estimate that at least 600 men would have been needed just to get each stone past this obstacle. Who built Stonehenge? Why? This ancient monument of huge stones solitarily standing on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England has captured imaginations for centuries. Theories about who built it have included the Druids, Greeks, Phoenicians, and Atlanteans. Speculation on the reason it was built range from human sacrifice to astronomy.



Catal Huyuk was one of the world's first towns. It was built in what is now Turkey about 6,500 BC not long after farming began. Catal Huyuk probably had a population of about 6,000. In Catal Huyuk the houses were made of mud brick. Houses were built touching against each other. They did not have doors and houses were entered through hatches in roofs. Presumably having entrances in the roofs was safer then having them in the walls. (Catal Huyuk was unusual among early towns as it was not surrounded by walls). Since houses were built touching each other the roofs must have acted as streets! People must have walked across them. In Catal Huyuk there were no panes of glass in windows and houses did not have chimneys. Instead there were only holes in the roofs to let out smoke. Inside houses were plastered and often had painted murals of people and animals on the walls. People slept on platforms. In Catal Huyuk the dead were buried inside houses. (Although they may have been exposed outside to be eaten by vultures first). Although Catal Huyuk was a true town (defined as a community not self-sufficient in food) as least some of its people lived by farming. They grew wheat and barley and they raised flocks of sheep and herds of goats. They also kept dogs. As well as farming the inhabitants of Catal Huyuk also hunted animals like aurochs (wild cattle), wolves, foxes and leopards. People in Catal Huyuk wore clothes woven from wool. They also wore jewellery made of stone, bone and shell. The people of Catal Huyuk wove baskets of reeds. They also made pottery and they used obsidian, a hard volcanic rock to make tools and weapons. Craftsmen made dishes of wood. They also made carved wooden boxes for storage. We do not know what the people of Catal Huyuk believed but religion was obviously important to them. They made figurines of clay and stone, which may have been gods and goddesses. They also mounted bull's skulls on the walls of some buildings and covered them in plaster to resemble living heads. It is believed these buildings were shrines. Catal Huyuk was abandoned about 5,000 BC. Nobody knows why but it may have been due to climate change. Catal Huyuk was then forgotten for thousands of years till it was rediscovered by James Melaart in 1958. He began excavating Catal Huyuk in 1961.


Lepenski Vir The discovery of the prehistoric site of Lepenski Vir was only made in the last half-century and marks one of the most important finds on the European continent. In this seven to six thousand year B.C. old settlement early dwellers constructed a well-laid out settlement with unique geometrically perfect housing structures and monumental stone sculptures. Researchers are continuing their work here, especially in the field of early artistic forms as here were sculpted some of the first representations, including small men and fish-like heads.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hut of Terra Amata

Terra Amata is an archaeological site near the french town of nice...

Terra Amata was an open site with finds of acheulean flint tools dating it to the lower paleolithic..It was excavated by a team of archaeologists led by Henry de Lumley..who believed the site contained a series of superimposed living floors and who interpreted arrangements of stones at the site as the foundations of huts or windbreaks. This interpretation would make them some of the earliest examples of human habitation ever found.However, as with other sites of possible human shelters, such as Grotte du Lazaret, the evidence is more conjectural than compelling. It is equally likely that that the stones were naturally deposited through stream flow, soil creep or some other natural process.Moreover,Paula Villa has demonstrated that stone artifacts from the different proposed living floors can be fitted together, showing that artifacts have moved up and down through the sediment column. Thus, the supposed living floor assemblages are most likely mixtures of artifacts from different time periods that have come to rest at particular levels. There is therefore compelling evidence that the site was subjected to relatively invasive post depositional processes, which may also be responsible for the stone 'arrangements'....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

cave painting....

Cave Paintings are paintings on cave walls and ceilings, and the term is used especially for those dating to prehistoric times. The earliest known European cave paintings date to 32,000 years ago. The purpose of the cave paintings is not known. The evidence suggests that they were not merely decorations of living areas, since the caves in which they have been found do not have signs of ongoing habitation. Also, they are often in areas of caves that are not easily accessed. Some theories hold that they may have been a way of transmitting information, while other theories ascribe them a religious or ceremonial purpose.Every cave painting have own meaning... and something part of cave painting very beauty of drawing...huhuhu...People would probably never have known where the alphabets came from. Alphabets did not just exist. It took a long time to have cave paintings formed into alphabets. The existence of alphabets must have some correlation with cave paintings thousands of years ago. Alphabets could not have developed without the influence of cave paintings. Thus, to understand where and how alphabets had formed, we ought to track back to thousands of years ago.To understand where alphabets came we have to talk about the earliest writing that people called “cave painting.” You might have wondered what cave painting is and what did ancient people wrote or painted.The pictures of animals were attempts at honoring and appeasing the spirits of the animals that the group needed to kill in the hunt. The paintings were not in letters, it consisted of paintings of various animals. Cave paintings were mostly painted on rocks or floors in narrow caves. In addition, they were created during the Palaeolithic period from 40,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C.


A cave is a natural underground void large enough for an adult human to enter. however, in popular usage, the term includes smaller spaces like cliff cavities, rock shelters and sea caves. for types and formation caves are formed by geologic have two part...firstly is primary caves...this about some caves are formed at the same time as the surrounding rock. Kazumura Cave near Hilo is the longest and deepest lava tube of the world and also the eighth longest cave of the United States. Blister caves are also formed through volcanic activity. secondly is secondary caves and about formed inside the rock after the rock itself has formed by processes such as solution and erosion. Also known as littoral caves, they form from wave action along zones of weakness in sea cliffs......for this we see archaeological and social importance in caves...huhuhu......Throughout history, primitive peoples have made use of caves for shelter, burial, or as religious sites. Since items placed in caves are protected from the climate and scavanging animals, this means caves are an archaeological treasure house for learning about these people. In Germany some experts found signs of cannibalism in the caves at the Hönne. Caves are also important for geological research because they can reveal details of past climatic conditions in speleothems and sediment layers. Caves are frequently used today as sites for recreation. Caving, for example, is the popular sport of cave exploration. For the less adventurous, a number of the world's prettier and more accessible caves have been converted into show caves, where artificial lighting, floors, and other aids allow the casual visitor to experience the cave with minimal inconvenience. Caves have also been used for BASE jumping and cave diving.....before I forget, through out history,primitive peoples have made use of caves for shelter,burial, or as religious sites.....example since caves in Malaysia we can take to experiment exspecially for student is gua nia,gua puteri,gua harimau,gua dayak......

Sunday, July 27, 2008


what definition space?like myspace???mmmmm... Space constantly encompasses our being.Though the volume of space,we move,see forms,hear sounds,feel breezes,smell the fragrances of a flower garden in bloom.It is a material substance like wood or stone.Yet it is an inherently formless vapor.Its visual form,its dimensions and space,the spatial boundaries defined by elements of form.As space begins to be captured,enclosed,molded,and organized by the elements of mass,architecture comes into being... about space in architecture???? I have answer for this question.... MORE ABOUT SPACE IN ARCHITECTURE In music, space is immanent and not yet extant. In poetry space arises parenthetically as a epiphenomenon to words. In animation space is now present but as the backdrop for (sometimes radical) change of form in time. In dance space is used but it also recreated a second time by movement. In theatre space is still primitive, giving resonance and dimension to human action. In literature and film space is settled, taken for granted, it exists passively providing a lasting housing for events and images, but at the same time separating itself from us, becoming privileged and protected in time in literature but also in space in film. This is true too of painting but time has now been frozen out of its space, and its objects are immune from changes in our position. In sculpture,with time gone, the work enters the everyday space, offering its sheer materiality against our time.It yields to our inquiry if we confine our inquiry to changes in our position and not inquire as to its inside. In architecture space is turned inside out6. The object is no longer immune to our attempts to probe within it. It hollows itself out and seals the wound of our entry by wrapping itself around us. In the temporal arts, to be led inward by the artistic experience meant being led inwards into our time and conscious states. Painting and sculpture could lead us outwards, into themselves, as if our consciousness relocated in space. In architecture, being led inwards means being led inwards in space.Architecture is, for extended parts of the day, our de facto environment. Would it not then itself be simply an instance of the everyday reality and not an artistic reality? Yes, were it not for the fact that its true role is as a usurper of the everyday reality rather than as a continuation of it. Just as space occupied is space no longer available, no longer part of space a as a whole, so space surrounded, even though we are within it, is no longer a part of space as a whole outside the enclosure.It has been appropriated from the latter, its nature changed from outside to inside (a significant difference as we shall see shortly). Having taken over the role of the everyday environment,architecture need not imitate it. It need only be taken as if the everyday environment. It can alter features from the regular environment as it sees fit. Where other arts on the right side of the spectrum explore the spatial relations between objects, or between one part of an object and another, architecture, by being itself the space in which we are, explores the relationship between ourselves (in place of an object) and space itself. It is the art that brings us most truly into relation with space.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

holism of architecture...

Holism (from ὅλος holos, a Greek word meaning all, entire, total) is the idea that all the properties of a given system (biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic, etc.) cannot be determined or explained by its component parts alone. Instead, the system as a whole determines in an important way how the parts behave. The general principle of holism was concisely summarized by Aristotle in the Metaphysics: "The whole is more than the sum of its parts." Reductionism is sometimes seen as the opposite of holism. Reductionism in science says that a complex system can be explained by reduction to its fundamental parts. Reductionism essentially claims that chemistry is reducible to physics, biology is reducible to chemistry and psychology and sociology are reducible to biology, etc. Some other proponents of reductionism, however, think that holism is the opposite only of greedy reductionism. On the other hand, holism and reductionism can also be regarded as complementary viewpoints, in which case they both would be needed to get a proper account of a given system. Applications of holism Holism in architecture and industrial design Architecture and industrial design are often seen as enterprises, which constitute a whole, or to put it another way, design is often argued to be an holistic enterprise.[9] In architecture and industrial design holism tends to imply an all-inclusive design perspective, which is often regarded as somewhat exclusive to the two design professions. Holism is often considered as something that sets architects and industrial designers apart from other professions that participate in design projects. This view is supported and advocated by practising designers and design scholars alike, who often argue that architecture and/or industrial design have a distinct holistic character. Holism in education reform The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives identifies many levels of cognitive functioning, which can be used to create a more holistic education. In authentic assessment, rather than using computers to score multiple choice test, a standards based assessment uses trained scorers to score open-response items using holistic scoring methods.[10] In projects such as the North Carolina Writing Project, scorers are instructed not to count errors, or count numbers of points or supporting statements. The scorer is instead, instruct to judge holistically whether "as a whole" is it more a "2" or a "3". Critics question whether such a process can be as objective as computer scoring, and the degree to which such scoring methods can result in different scores from different scorers. Holism in medicine Holism appears in psychosomatic medicine. In the 1970s the holistic approach was considered one possible way to conceptualize psychosomatic phenomena. Instead of charting one-way causal links from psyche to soma, or vice-versa, it aimed at a systemic model, where multiple biological, psychological and social factors were seen as interlinked. Other, alternative approaches at that time were psychosomatic and somatopsychic approaches, which concentrated on causal links only from psyche to soma, or from soma to psyche, respectively.[11] At present it is commonplace in psychosomatic medicine to state that psyche and soma cannot really be separated for practical or theoretical purposes. A disturbance on any level - somatic, psychic, or social - will radiate to all the other levels, too. In this sense, psychosomatic thinking is similar to the biopsychosocial model of medicine. In alternative medicine, an holistic approach to healing recognizes that the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical elements of each person comprise a system, and attempts to treat the whole person in its context,[12] concentrating on the cause of the illness as well as symptoms. Examples of such holistic therapies include Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Chiropractic, Osteopathic manipulation, Naturopathic medicine, Qi Gong, Reiki, and Reflexology. Some of these schools do not originate from the western medical-scientific tradition, and lack scientific evidence to verify their claims. Others, such as osteopathic medicine, make an attempt to blend allopathic medicine with other modalities. Holistic Music Holism in music can be seen as a gradual layering of different sounds allowing the distinction of the parts before a harmony or euphoria is reached when combined. Often disguised in genres such as IDM, downtempo or glitch; it is also used in a more minimal form for various healing therapies. A modern former of the Holistic religion is the quietly spoken DeeJay Manticore. HOLISM...???
HOL + ISM........
HOL .....holistik,menyeluruh,kaffah(keseluruhan)
  • academic architecture
  • business architecture

BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE...>>>generally the applicable procedures invorle are follows:


Basic production model in holism of architecture....

  • intension>actor
  • act>rule
  • product>site