Sunday, July 27, 2008


what definition space?like myspace???mmmmm... Space constantly encompasses our being.Though the volume of space,we move,see forms,hear sounds,feel breezes,smell the fragrances of a flower garden in bloom.It is a material substance like wood or stone.Yet it is an inherently formless vapor.Its visual form,its dimensions and space,the spatial boundaries defined by elements of form.As space begins to be captured,enclosed,molded,and organized by the elements of mass,architecture comes into being... about space in architecture???? I have answer for this question.... MORE ABOUT SPACE IN ARCHITECTURE In music, space is immanent and not yet extant. In poetry space arises parenthetically as a epiphenomenon to words. In animation space is now present but as the backdrop for (sometimes radical) change of form in time. In dance space is used but it also recreated a second time by movement. In theatre space is still primitive, giving resonance and dimension to human action. In literature and film space is settled, taken for granted, it exists passively providing a lasting housing for events and images, but at the same time separating itself from us, becoming privileged and protected in time in literature but also in space in film. This is true too of painting but time has now been frozen out of its space, and its objects are immune from changes in our position. In sculpture,with time gone, the work enters the everyday space, offering its sheer materiality against our time.It yields to our inquiry if we confine our inquiry to changes in our position and not inquire as to its inside. In architecture space is turned inside out6. The object is no longer immune to our attempts to probe within it. It hollows itself out and seals the wound of our entry by wrapping itself around us. In the temporal arts, to be led inward by the artistic experience meant being led inwards into our time and conscious states. Painting and sculpture could lead us outwards, into themselves, as if our consciousness relocated in space. In architecture, being led inwards means being led inwards in space.Architecture is, for extended parts of the day, our de facto environment. Would it not then itself be simply an instance of the everyday reality and not an artistic reality? Yes, were it not for the fact that its true role is as a usurper of the everyday reality rather than as a continuation of it. Just as space occupied is space no longer available, no longer part of space a as a whole, so space surrounded, even though we are within it, is no longer a part of space as a whole outside the enclosure.It has been appropriated from the latter, its nature changed from outside to inside (a significant difference as we shall see shortly). Having taken over the role of the everyday environment,architecture need not imitate it. It need only be taken as if the everyday environment. It can alter features from the regular environment as it sees fit. Where other arts on the right side of the spectrum explore the spatial relations between objects, or between one part of an object and another, architecture, by being itself the space in which we are, explores the relationship between ourselves (in place of an object) and space itself. It is the art that brings us most truly into relation with space.

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