Monday, October 6, 2008

What is an architecture..

What is an architecture.. Definition: An architect is a licensed professional who organizes space. Architects design houses, office buildings, skyscrapers, landscapes, and even entire cities. How does one become a professional home designer? Answer: If you dream of designing houses and other small buildings, but don't want to spend the years it takes to become a registered architect, then you may want to explore career opportunities in the field of Building Design. A Professional Building Designer, or Home Designer, specializes in designing light-frame buildings such as single family homes and agricultural buildings. A Professional Building Designer may also design decorative facades for larger buildings. Unlike architects, Professional Building Designers are not legally required to pass exams or receive special licenses. However, a designer who carries the title "Certified Professional Building Designer" or "CPBD" has completed training courses, built a portfolio, and passed a difficult exam. What can I do with a major in architecture? Answer: Architecture is more than designing buildings. Students who study architecture in college may choose to go into many different careers. Here's just a sampling: • Architectural Journalist • Architectural Historian • Corporate Architect • Draftsperson • Building Researcher • Building Inspector • Building Contractor • Carpenter • Cartographer • Architectural Engineer • Civil Engineer • Industrial Engineer • Marine Architect • Mechanical Engineer • Surveyor • Technical Illustrator • Urban Planner • Art Director • Fashion Designer

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